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My name is Mona. My home is Hyderabad, India.
I have been fascinated by internet income and I enjoy earning passive income from Crypto and Traffic Exchanges (TE)s. In TEs, there are several earning opportunities presented, earnings from Surfing or Promoting and a combination of both. It is up to you to find your niche and grow in what makes you more comfortable.
Join and try out the earning opportunities first hand to find out what works for you because every TE offers almost the same thing but at the same time something different.
This is my second stint into the Traffic Exchange (TE) world. My first one was in 2009 when i was in between jobs and i wanted to explore alternative online income. Apart from earning from PTCs (Paid To Click) and some freeelance work, I decided to dabble in TEs.
Unfortunately, it didnt work out for me! Call it bad luck or joining the wrong TEs, i dont know.
I changed focus and moved into earning crypto at that time and that worked out very well for me along with my full time job.
Before going further, please understand that this cannot replace a full time job/income from Day 1 but if you learn and build it, over time, it can become a substantial source of income.
In 2022, after retiring early from my full time job, i decided to give TEs another chance and to my surprise, this time around, my entry into TEs has given me several earning opportunities that i can earn a modest monthly income. I realised a lot has changed since 2009.
I hope sharing my story will help you to also earn this income. The TEs are sorted in the order of what works for me. Not on any convential criteria.
1. MY GO TO TEs - Popular TE's like EasyHits4U, Traffic G etc. will not be in my first list because my objective is to share TEs where you can start earning from Day 1.
And, these TEs are the ones that worked for me and am sure they will work for you as well. Please feel free to reach out to me on Skype incase you need more information on how to earn from these TEs.
This list will expand to include other TEs. I put my mind and heart (reserved my soul, though, lol) into promoting these TEs/downline builders/games.
2. NEW TEs - My second list will be recently launched new TEs.
3. TE GAMES - Join TE Games and earn extra advertising / cash etc. on the TEs that you already surf.
4. TE CO-OPs - Join TE CO-OPs to get the maximum exposure for your ads.
5. LARGE MEMBERSHIP TEs - Many popular TEs that cannot be ignored due to their large membership.
Point to note is that in order to earn, you may have to upgrade and can become a bit overwhelming to upgrade every where, therefore choosing a TE to be in your monthly earner list, is always an ongoing, iterative activity.
My best advice is - Just stay focussed and do your thing, work with those TEs that you are seeing results in terms of your earnings increasing.
Most of all enjoy what you are doing. If things get you down, take a break! TEs will still be there when you are back!
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